Webhoster of the Year 2023 and traditional special offer

Thanks to your votes, we made it to the podium again this year - for the first time in three categories!

The results are here

The election for the Webhoster of the Year, hosted by the comparison portal hosttest.de, has come to an end and led to great joy within our team. Thanks to you, this year we not only placed in the top 3 in the VPS category, where we have placed in the top 3 every year since 2019 and even took first place in 2021, but also secured second place in the categories Colocation and managed Server which are new to us. In our "home category" VPS it was the third place.

Thank you very much for your active support! It is always impressive to see how well we can place ourselves next to competitors who are much bigger than us.

Special offer - "Schnupperspecial"?

Typically we celebrate such a good result with our traditional "vServer Schnupperspecial" (which could be translated as "Taster Special"), a product to get to know us at the lowest price. Even though this special offer has been more popular every year - please forgive us for having to put you off this year. We are in the middle of implementing our new virtualization infrastructure at PHP-Friends (attentive blog readers and social media followers know), which we started building over a year ago and have been successfully using at our label Avoro for many months.

We are working hard to be able to give the starting signal for the new infrastructure at PHP-Friends with the upcoming Black Friday on 24.11.2023, which also includes a new (self-developed) administration interface. Technical insights will of course be available here on the blog.

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