

Webhoster of the Year 2023 and traditional special offer

Thanks to your votes, we made it to the podium again this year - for the first time in three categories!

Expansion of our support hours

As of 01.09.2023, we have significantly expanded our support availability. There have also been changes to the hotline.

Implementation of credit card payment

From now on you can pay in the customer area of PHP-Friends with all major credit cards.

How we deal with increases in energy costs and price adjustments

The topic of energy costs has been on everyone's lips for a few months now. As a web hosting company, we need a lot of electricity despite efficient cooling and modern hardware, so this accounts for one of the largest shares of the operating costs of our data center space for us.

Black Friday at dataforest

Normally, Black Friday is celebrated in a big way and announced days in advance. Why it is different this year.